Castor oil craze: Is this the elixir of beauty and health?

Besides weight loss and easing bloating and menstruation pain, other women are using castor oil for skin and haircare.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Four months ago, Miriam Akinyi's self-confidence was at its lowest point. She didn't like the woman she saw looking back in her dressing mirror. She had tried a plethora of workout and dietary solutions but her belly fat remained stubbornly.

She had just about given up until she caught wind of a fad that had women across Kenya singing praises about its transformational power.

“I started using castor oil in January after doing research and seeing the incredible results on TiKtok. I applied the oil on my stomach and wrapped my tummy overnight and I can tell you for sure when I woke up I saw a difference,” says Ms Akinyi who now swears by its power to facilitate weight loss.

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