Let’s all respect law on personal data, privacy


Data Protection Commissioner, Immaculate Kassait. FILE PHOTO | JEFF ANGOTE | NMG

The Data Commissioner this week punished mobile phone reseller Oppo Kenya with a fine of Sh5 million for abuse of personal data while sending a strong message to entities that continue to breach the new Data Protection Act, which came into effect in July.

Oppo was fined for using a photo of an unnamed complainant on its Instagram page without consent, a breach that has become rampant across Kenya’s online space. 

This comes at a time when Kenyans continue to complain about the illegal sharing of personal information and invasion of privacy by marketing firms and businesses promoting products and services. 

Most of this data including ID numbers, phone contacts and customer details are mostly mined by private security companies at the entrances of buildings and can easily be shared.

The height of abuse of data privacy comes during the election period as voters receive irritating messages from politicians and aspirants seeking various elective seats. 

It should sink to firms and anyone holding vast amounts of customer data that sharing or offering for sale personal information is criminal.

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