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KENET tops CIO 100 awards list
CIO East Africa director Harry Hare (left) and the firm's Business Development manager Nicholle Myle address a media briefing on November 10, 2010 in Nairobi. KENET topped the 2011 CIO 100 awards list for its innovative use of ICT. Picture | File
Kenya Education Network (KENET) has clinched the top CIO 100 award for innovative use of technology.
KENET received the award for their project that seeks to provide Internet connectivity to educational institutions.
The company, through several partners has invested more than Sh10 million on the project and is already getting return on investment in less than three years.
The first runners up at the awards was Eat Out Kenya, founded by WebSimba in 2009. Nakumatt Holdings scooped second runners up award.
See below a list of the top 100 firms recognised at the CIO 100 awards for their innovative use of ICT is as below.
1 Kenya Education Network (KENET)
2 Eat Out Kenya
3 Nakumatt Holdings Limited
4 MobiKash Afrika Lmited
5 Usalama Innovative Systems
6 Nuru East Africa Ltd
7 Shimba Technologies Ltd
8 Kenya AIrways
9 Safaricom Limited
10 Equity Bank Limited
11 Directorate of e-Government
12 Royal Media
13 Virtual City Ltd
14 Propertyzote.com
15 United States International University
16 Kenya Revenue Authority
17 Airtel Africa
18 Technology Associates EA Limited
19 Seven Seas Technologies
20 Vision Group
21 mPedigree Network Kenya
22 Compulynx Limited
23 Waste Electrical & Eectronic Equipment Centre
24 Ethiopix Technology Lab
25 British American Insurance Company (K) Limited
26 SISDO organization
27 Kenya Forestry Service
28 KEPHIS (Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate)
29 World Vision Kenya
30 Kickstart
31 Directorate of e-Government
32 Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)
33 Kenya Institute Of Education
34 Zege Technologies Limited
35 AskADoc
36 Juja St Peters School
37 Kenya Airports Parking services
38 Interconsumer Products Limited (Nice & Lovely)
39 Makini School Limited
40 Sarova Hotels Limited (e-commerce)
41 BTI Milmann Limited
42 CFAO Motors Tanzania Limited
43 Crystalint Media
44 Britania Allied Industries Ltd
45 Uganda Baati Ltd
46 Directorate of e-Government
47 Pluspeople Kenya ltd.
48 Public Complaints Standing Committee
49 Rafiki Deposit Taking Microfinance
50 IFMIS Department - Ministry Of Finance
51 National ICT Innovation and Integration Centre
52 Webmasters Africa Limited
53 PZ Cussons EA Ltd
54 Bavaria Auto
55 SalesIn4
56 Enterprise Information Management Solutions Limited
57 Sumaria Group
58 Somesha Limited
59 Craft Silicon Foundation
60 Postal Corporation of Kenya
61 Makerere University - Luo Translation Team (Uganda) COCIS