How popular flat shoes can cause a myriad problems

Flat shoes have been shown to cause planter fasciitis, a condition that results from the inflammation of the fascia which runs across the bottom of your foot from your heel bone to your toes. FILE PHOTO | NMG

What you need to know:

  • Some flip-flops have a spongy sole, causing the foot to roll further inward when it hits the ground; an action called over-pronation which may lead to flat feet, among other conditions.
  • Flip-flops can also cause overuse of tendons resulting in tendonitis.

So you love those popular comfy flat shoes you wear over the weekends or to a vacation?

Here are a few things that will change your perception. Flat shoes have been shown to cause planter fasciitis, a condition that results from the inflammation of the fascia which runs across the bottom of your foot from your heel bone to your toes.

The condition can lead to tendons on the bottom of your feet tearing, a crippling injury that will render you incapacitated. This in the long run can cause fallen arches also called flat feet.

Wearing flats that do not fit properly can cause in-grown toenails leading to an internal infection that can spread to your bones.

Some flip-flops have a spongy sole, causing the foot to roll further inward when it hits the ground; an action called over-pronation which may lead to flat feet, among other conditions.

Flip-flops can also cause overuse of tendons resulting in tendonitis.

As mentioned above, the plantar fascia is connected to the heel. As a result, any damage to it also affects the ankle, the calf muscle, and even the back. Unfortunately, choosing wrong shoes affects more than feet. It leads to pain which can result in improper walking techniques, which can in turn lead to further pain in other areas of the body.

Corns are hard, dead skin that occur over a bony prominence such as a joint. They are often caused by prolonged pressure to the specific area — usually from poorly fitting footwear.

Athlete’s foot affects damp and sweaty areas of the foot, particularly between toes and the inner arch of the foot.

Prolonged overloading as a result of shoes that don’t provide adequate support can cause all sorts of joint problems such as arthritis and knee pain.

Knees are forced to extend more, causing poor weight distribution on feet and knees when the heel hits the ground during walking.

To avoid such problems, stick to low heeled shoes where possible. When buying a new pair of shoes ensure that there is enough room in the front to wiggle your toes freely. If the shoe is too tight then you put yourself at the risk of compression lesions and numbness.

Ideally, your shoes should be adjustable with a slight heel gradient and broad for stability. The upper part of the shoe should be made of natural materials for general flexibility, durability and comfort.

Cushioning the inside of your shoe is great for comfort and reduction of the shock of impact when landing on your heel and pushing off from the balls of your feet while walking.

Choose shoes that are firm in the mid sole so that you can’t twist them like a dishcloth. For long walks, change into specialised shoes. Not only will you be looking after your feet, better footwear will also enable you to walk for longer periods of time leading to a healthier lifestyle.

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