Chinese cables maker FiberHome appoints CP Cables as local distributor


From left: CP Cables CEO Ranjit Thakur, C&P Group Chairman Rashmi Shah, Fiber Home International Technologies Co. LTD Deputy CEO Bruce Wang and Fiber Home East Africa Director Keller Yun during the signing of a partnership between Chinese-based fiber giant FiberHome Technologies Co. LTD and Kenyan firm CP Cables LTD aimed at driving a market penetration of affordable, stellar quality of fiber optic products at Radisson Blu Arboretum in Nairobi on November 28, 2023. PHOTO | LUCY WANJIRU | NMG

Chinese manufacturer of fiber optic cables FiberHome Technology Limited has appointed Nairobi-based CP Cables as its official distributor as the former eyes a piece of the growing fiber connectivity market in both Kenya and Uganda.

The deal, inked by the two partners on Tuesday, seeks to bridge the existing cabling gap from the current 1.6 million connections in Kenya and 700,000 in Uganda to a combined population of 50 million in the two East African countries.

FiberHome, which enjoys market dominance across all spectrums of the industry with its fiber products, currently has a presence in over 80 countries across the globe.

“This partnership will ensure the availability of huge in-country stocks of quality fiber products at affordable prices, therefore filling the gap present in today’s market dynamics and further enhancing equilibrium in the telecom sector,” said the two firms in a joint statement.

FibeHome’s interest in the Kenyan market comes at a time the government has spelt out plans to lay down an additional 100,000 kilometres of the national fiber optic cable as part of the William Ruto-led administration’s digital transformation plan.

According to CP Cables, the partnership with the Chinese manufacturer offers an opportunity for the East African communities to boost interconnectivity and open up their borders for global trade.

“This partnership will ensure the availability of huge in-country stocks of quality fiber products at affordable prices, therefore filling the gap present in market dynamics, and further enhance equilibrium in the telecom sector,” stated C & P Group chairman Rashmi Shah.

“Both Kenya and Uganda have a huge potential to expand internet connectivity and this model will naturally work in our expansion strategy to other African markets.”

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