ICT agency, tech firm in deal for schools coding lessons


Coding, which is also known as programming, involves translating human intentions into commands that can be understood by computers. FILE PHOTO | NMG

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The deal follows approval of the coding curriculum by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development as the government moves to boost digital literacy for learners.
  • This is expected to play a key role in content deployment of the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) through which the government has distributed some 1.2 million laptops for learners across the country.
  • Coding, which is also known as programming, involves translating human intentions into commands that can be understood by computers.

The ICT Authority (ICTA) and online publishing firm Kodris Africa have inked a deal to implement coding curriculum in select schools.

The deal follows approval of the coding curriculum by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development as the government moves to boost digital literacy for learners.

This is expected to play a key role in content deployment of the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) through which the government has distributed some 1.2 million laptops for learners across the country.

“With the approved digital content provided by Kodris Africa content, there is no doubt that Kenya is ready to go to the next level,” said ICTA acting chief executive Kipronoh Ronoh.

Coding, which is also known as programming, involves translating human intentions into commands that can be understood by computers.

Pilot lessons

Through the DLP, the ICT Authority has equipped schools with laptops and tablets that are connected to the Internet, making learning easier for students.

The government has through Kenya Power connected electricity to more than 22,000 schools across Kenya.

The ICT Authority and the Ministry of Education are set to pick the first batch of public schools in which the coding content will be deployed as part of piloting process.

“This novel coding content is a valuable addition to the world of education and contributes to enhancing the worldview of learners who take it up,” said Kodris Africa chief executive Mugumo Munene.

Digital literacy is a key plank of the competency-based curriculum that has now been rolled out in Grade Six, the final level of the primary school cycle.

Kenya is the first African country to approve coding as part of syllabus. Kodris will be offering the syllabus in another 49 nations on the continent.

The inking of the deal comes the ICT Ministry unveiled the Kenya National Digital Master plan 2022-2032 which is a blueprint for leveraging and deepening the contribution of the ICT sector to accelerate socio-economic growth.

Coding and computer programming are becoming a vital job skill in a changing world that is more computerized and connected.

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