Signs of professional stagnation


Lack of professional progress causes boredom. FILE PHOTO | SHUTTERSTOCK

“I am having an energy slump. I feel stuck. I am not making any progress in life." Those are the exact words of a colleague. And this is the very definition of a career rut.

Lack of professional progress causes boredom. When your job does not make you feel happy to jump out of bed then you have landed in a career mausoleum.

When a career does not present more challenging and enriching opportunities, it requires resetting and rekindling.

What are the signs that a career has hit a nose-dive button?

Due to the disruptive nature of workplaces caused by globalisation, technology, competition, government policy, and market dynamics among others, one should look out for obsolescence that can be quite subtle.

At all times, keep abreast of the new and essential dexterities for task management.

One of the variables that make human nature tick is being recognised for a well-done job. If a departmental head does not possess this quality, there is a potential for igniting career death in team members.

Let no one cheat you, we all need validation and praise. Validation is fuel, whether it is sourced internally or externally.

A lack of creativity and innovation is surely a gauge of hitting rock bottom. Work demands one to be an idea producer and executor. New ideas have to be produced and implemented.

There are reasons why employees get promoted to higher levels. What if you are bypassed several times? This becomes a source of discomfort.

One should be curious as to why they are being overlooked. Not because of paranoia but because it will provide areas of improvement and tough feedback.

Are your employers trying to push you out? That my friend is a classic case of not contributing value. If your employer notices that your performance is a shadow of its former self they will use very subtle ways of pushing.

Are you being paid religiously but with reduced work? Are there meetings you used to attend but you are no longer being called to? Start dusting your curriculum vitae and interview skills.

Organisations have strategic directions. For example, they must be profitable, efficient, and effective. If it is not then it is time to jump ship or undertake a radical surgery of the organisation.

The other kiss of death to one’s career is incessant loggerheads with your immediate boss. Continuous conflicts with the leader will mean too much is wasted on non-work issues.

If the relationship graduates into intolerable levels of toxicity that is a sure sign that is a career roadblock.

Staying in a role where one is overqualified can only attract stress and resentment. Imagine having numberless competencies that are not being utilised to optimal levels.

That is the very meaning of career boredom which has annoying consequences. Seek new outlets for unused expertise.

Mr Magoma is an award-winning HR specialist and trainer | [email protected]

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