Chef Paul Kimani’s Seafood Party


Fairmont Norfolk Hotel Executive Chef Paul Kimani poses for a picture holding a crab during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

When Nairobi’s iconic Norfolk Hotel reopened its doors in April 2022 after the facility shut down for more than 21 months amid the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, executive chef Paul Kimani was a man on a mission on his return.

The hotel closure saw Mr Kimani end up in the Coast, jumping from one hotel to another as a consultant.

While in Diani, the chef, who says he is locally assembled, fell in love with the ocean.

“I remember getting my first octopus, and you had to prepare it by yourself. I can tell you it is not easy. It takes a lot of time for you to get it right,” says the executive chef.


Fairmont Norfolk Hotel Executive Chef Paul Kimani cuts into a White Snapper during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

Mr Kimani says he learned more about the local cuisine from interaction with the coastal communities.

The executive chef while in the Coast, realised that Nairobi was missing something and that there were limitations on the seafood served in the capital city.


A serving of Grilled Octopus offered by Fairmont Norfolk Hotel during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

“When we reopened, I came up with the idea of a seafood menu and months later, we started the Seafood Party after we realised there was not much activity in the city. We saw that something was missing in Nairobi where people can have a proper seafood party,” he says.


A plate serving of Oysters offered by Fairmont Norfolk Hotel during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

For months we brainstormed about it and decided to start one right here. “We started the Seafood Party in February after long planning, and it was successful. We have been building the clientele as we grow.”

“Everything you see here is fresh. We go to Mombasa to get it fresh from there and serve it fresh to give it that seafood freshness and everything.

We don’t have a menu on board, but we tend to offer something different on the night. There are always those favourites that one can come and have,” says Mr Kimani.

“We try and be creative and offer different flavours. For the night, everything is all about the sea. We cook in different ways and prepare it with global flavours in wildly tasty ways.

We try to look at various flavours around the world and also include Asian cuisine, Spanish, or Kenyan flavours. We also go raw. That is why we also have Japanese cuisine in it. It is a spread of everything.


Fairmont Norfolk Hotel Executive Chef Paul Kimani poses for a picture during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

The seafood here is flown in daily, freshly caught from the Indian Ocean every first Saturday of the month.”

Lobster, crab, octopus, and prawns are served in various forms of sushi, tandoor, grill, poached, and action carving stations to savour with friends and family and tantalise your palate.

There is also a free flow of selected cocktails, wines and beers to accompany this magical night, including some warm sake and a live band as you enjoy your dinner.

Asked why the Seafood Party is not every Saturday, Mr Kimani says the amount of work that goes in cannot allow them to have it every Saturday.


A serving of langoustines offered by Fairmont Norfolk Hotel during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

“We decided to keep it fun so that you can look forward to it. When you see that rub while serving, it begs to be eaten.”

The most favourite meal of the night has to be oyster with sparkling, and the second one is sashimi, a Japanese delicacy consisting of fresh raw fish or meat sliced into thin pieces and often eaten with soy sauce, he says.

“The amount of sashimi we do on the night, we must have someone on hold so that the plates are filled. He is always slicing it as we go. It never stops. This is why we drop sake on your table as you dine,” adds Mr Kimani.


A serving of Glazed Sardines offered by Fairmont Norfolk Hotel during the launch of the Seafood Party on May 06, 2023. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU | NMG

The executive chef says he wants dinners to create memories and have a good time.

There are no walk-ins for the Norfolk Seafood Party night, one has to reserve in advance to book a table.

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