128 election petitions filed to challenge various poll winners


Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru. FILE PHOTO | NMG

A total of 128 petitions have been filed across the country among them those challenging 12 governors arising from the August 9 polls.

Among the county bosses who face petitions are Busia governor Dr Paul Otuoma whose election has been challenged by Sakwa Bunyasi, Homa Bay governor Wanga whose election has been challenged by former Nairobi governor Evans Kidero, Joseph Lenku (Kajiado), Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga) and Dhadho Godhana (Tana River).

Others are Mutula Kilonzo Junior (Makueni) whose election has been challenged by Patrick Musimba, Gideon Mungaro (Kilifi), Patrick Ntutu (Narok), Amos Nyaribo (Nyamira), Fatuma Achani (Kwale), and Ahmed Abdullahi (Wajir).

Among the senators whose elections have been challenged are Vihiga senator Godfrey Otsotsi and Narok’s Ledama ole Kina. 

The election of three woman representatives have also been challenged while 27 MPs among them Didimus Barasa, who is facing murder charges face election petitions. 72 MCAs are also facing election petitions.

A total of 388 election petitions were filed after the 2017 general election, including one challenging the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta whose win was overturned by the Supreme Court. 

Of the 388 petitions filed post 2017 general election, 174 were challenging the elections of governors and members of county assemblies, 125 were challenging the election of MPs and senators and women representatives. 98 petitions were challenging the election of MPs.

In 2013, there were 188 election petitions, which were filed contesting various elective seats. 

To challenge a presidential election, a petitioner is required to deposit Sh1 million to act as security for costs plus another Sh500,000 for lodging of the petition, while anyone intending to challenge the election of an MP must deposit Sh500,000 in court.

The law stipulates that the cases must be concluded within six months but some drag on for years due to applications and appeals. 

The Judiciary has already gazetted judges to hear the cases. 

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Note: The results are not exact but very close to the actual.