A Judge has ordered the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) to relocate Dandodra Dumpsite within six months.
Justice Kossy Bor directed NMS to establish a new environmentally friendly dumpsite within the same period.
Justice Bor said in a case filed by residents of Mukuru and Korogocho that people have a right to a clean environment and NMS together with the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) should also clean up Nairobi and Athi River.
A judge Thursday ordered the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) to relocate Dandora Dumpsite within six months.
Justice Kossy Bor said NMS should establish a new environmental-friendly dumpsite within the period.
Dandora dumpsite covers over 30 acres and residents of Korogocho, Baba Ndogo, Mathare and Dandora eke a living from scavenging the waste, putting themselves at health risks.
It filled up as early as 2001 but efforts to shut it down have not been successful.
Justice Bor said NMS should embark on rehabilitation of the dumpsite after shut down.
And to ensure that the new site is environmentally friendly, the judge directed NMS to work with National Environment Management Authority (Nema) to put in place strategies to cut, separate and recycle waste.
“In the intervening period, the NMS will take all practical steps to ensure that the waste in the Dandora dumpsite is managed in a manner which protects human health and the environment against adverse effects,” she said ruling in the case filed by residents of Korogocho, who argued that they have the right to a clean environment.
The residents argued that they have the right to a clean environment. Through their officials Isaiah Luyara Odando and Wilson Yatta, they said toxic chemicals from the dumpsite find their way to Nairobi River whose waters are used for irrigation, exposing city consumers harmful food products.
They accused NMS and Nema of violating their rights and sought orders to compel the authorities to adopt measures to stop the pollution which also affects Athi River.
The residents called for a shutdown of polluters and industries that discharge waste to the river, to treat the waste before disposing it into the rivers.
They had also sought an order for the removal of 4,000 illegal structures encroaching on the riparian land and build embankments and barriers to allow the river to flow free from contamination.