Why no amount of propaganda will absolve Russia of crimes in Ukraine


Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with China's President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 20, 2023. PHOTO | AFP

In an article published in a local newspaper last month, the Russian ambassador to Kenya Dmitry Maksimychev sought to play down the impact of the international sanctions against his country in response to the war of aggression against Ukraine.

The ambassador, while talking about supposedly global problems in the countries of the free world, seemed to close his eyes to the dire situation in his own country.

A large number of people in Russia live in terrible conditions in poor abandoned cities without cooking gas, roads, access to normal medicines or even basic sanitary facilities. All these facts can be easily found even on Russian websites and media.

The Russian ambassador also claims that Western countries, which the Kremlin calls a "collective West", breached the "rules-based order" and the principles of international law.

According to Unicef, more than 470,000 people in Ukraine found themselves in poverty for the first time. Most of them are children. Eight million Ukrainian citizens moved abroad to escape mortal danger; seven million Ukrainians became internally displaced persons.

In total, 21.3 million people were affected by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which is almost half of our population.

The Russian occupation regime organises forced mass deportation of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories and sends them to various, primarily remote regions of the Russian federation; impose Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure against their will; and allows adoption in order to destroy the gene pool of Ukrainian people.

That is why the International Criminal Court on March 17 issued an arrest warrant for war crimes in Ukraine for the Russian President Putin.

Also, the UN said that in addition to the rapes, killings and "widespread" torture, Moscow could be responsible for the even more serious "crimes against humanity" - notably the wave of Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure that began last October.

Another shocking and inhuman act was the decapitation of a Ukrainian soldier posted in extremely violent video on pro-Russian social media on Wednesday, April 11.

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