Kenya School of Law sets ambitious targets in new strategic plan

The Kenya School of Law academics complex in Nairobi. PHOTO | NMG

The Kenya School of Law (The School) is established under the Kenya School of Law Act No. 26 of 2012, to “be a public legal education provider responsible for the provision of professional legal training as an agent of the Government”.

Since inception, the School has made major milestones in its institutional processes and structures, and is currently certified under ISO 9001:2015 Standard.

The School’s 2022-2028 Strategic Plan (The Plan) provides the framework that will guide the execution of its mandate for the next six years. The Plan demonstrates the School’s alignment to the national and international development agenda, including Kenya Vision 2030, the African Agenda 2063, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The end-term evaluation and review of the preceding Strategic Plan 2018-2022 revealed a number of challenges, which would impact the implementation of the Plan activities. The major ones include: Conflicting Acts of Parliament, inadequate budgetary allocation, and prolonged policy development processes, among others.

In recognition of the challenges and the need to address the issues identified through the situation analysis, the School has settled on five key result areas that align with its strategic goals and priority programmes for the 2022-2028 period. They are: Quality Legal Education, Research and Consultancy; Financial Sustainability; Capacity Development; Customer Satisfaction; and Corporate Leadership and Governance.

In support of the successful implementation of the plan, The School’s Board will provide policy direction and ensure availability and adequacy of resources. In particular, the Board will facilitate implementation of the resource mobilisation strategies aimed at enhancing The School’s financial base.

In addition, the Board has incorporated leadership and governance as one of its key result areas in the Plan. This demonstrates the Board’s commitment to entrenching principles and values of public service and best practices in corporate governance, in the implementation of The School’s programmes.

I am confident that the new strategic plan provides the School with the necessary framework for executing its core mandate. I urge all the stakeholders and development partners to fully support its implementation. Click here for more perspectives about the plan plus our July 2022-June 2023 calendar of courses and seminars.

- Prof Joseph Mworia Wamutitu, Chairperson, Kenya School of Law Board

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Note: The results are not exact but very close to the actual.