Solar firm M-Kopa plans to source all of its panels locally, potentially opening up new job opportunities in the niche power generation sector.
M-Kopa chairman Mugo Kibati said the company will source its panels from solar products manufacturer Solinc East Africa.
M-Kopa has connected over 100,000 customers to solar power though installation of panels, some of which are currently sourced from overseas markets.
“The company will be looking to locally source a further half a million PV panels, generating 6.6 MW of power over the next two years,” Mr Kibati said.
Solinc managing director Haijo Kuper said the company will hire more people once the deal with M-Kopa kicks off.
“Solinc employs 150 Kenyans in its Naivasha factory and if it secures the increased volumes from M-Kopa it would employ 30 more engineering staff over the next two years,” he said.
The panels M-Kopa has installed are generating a total of 1.85MW off-grid power from rooftops across East Africa.