Kenyans to pay more in new fuel price review by ERC

A motorist refills his car at the KenolKobil station on Nairobi's Koinange Street. Kenyans will pay more for fuel over the next one month after enjoying six months of consecutive price cuts. PHOTO | FILE |

What you need to know:

  • Diesel will go up go up by Sh0.68 per litre while kerosene shall increase by Sh3.35.
  • ERC says the rise has been necessitated by an increase the global prices of crude oil and the weakening of the Kenyan shilling against the US dollar.

Kenyans will pay more for fuel over the next one month after enjoying six months of consecutive price cuts.

The new prices announced by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) on Saturday will see the cost of super petrol rise by Sh4.75 effective midnight.

Diesel will go up go up by Sh0.68 per litre while kerosene shall increase by Sh3.35.

In Nairobi, super petrol will retail for Sh89.46 a litre while diesel and kerosene are pegged at Sh76.20 and Sh55.75.

Consumers in Mombasa will enjoy the lowest prices of Sh86.16 or a litre for super petrol, Sh72.93 a litre for diesel and Sh53.03 a litre for kerosene.

ERC says the rise has been necessitated by an increase the global prices of crude oil and the weakening of the Kenyan shilling against the US dollar.

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Note: The results are not exact but very close to the actual.