Harnessing power of AI to stop ​​​​​​​cybersecurity attacks

Kenya has witnessed a surge in ransomware attacks targeting organisations of all sizes. 

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As we navigate an increasingly digitised world, the preeminent threat to our online safety has become more pervasive than ever. Cyberattacks have grown in scale and sophistication, posing a significant challenge for individuals, businesses and governments alike.

To confront this escalating menace effectively, we must harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) while leveraging the solutions offered by cybersecurity organisations.

By exploring the intersection of AI and cybersecurity, we can understand the transformative role it plays and the crucial work being accomplished in fortifying our digital defences.

With each passing day, cyber criminals adapt their tactics, exploiting vulnerabilities in our digital infrastructure to compromise sensitive data, disrupt services and inflict substantial financial and reputational damage.

Traditional cybersecurity measures have proven insufficient in combating this relentless onslaught. Recognising the urgent need for innovation, the industry has turned to AI as a potential solution.

How then has AI revolutionised cybersecurity? By equipping defenders with enhanced capabilities to anticipate, identify and respond to threats, machine learning algorithms enable AI systems to discern patterns and anomalies thus providing real-time insights and actionable intelligence. This predictive prowess empowers cybersecurity professionals to stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Consequently, AI enables better threat detection, rapid incident response and improved vulnerability management.

Through meticulous data collection and analysis, it is possible to generate high-quality annotated datasets used in training AI models to detect threats accurately.

This ensures the algorithms' efficiency and reduces false positives, minimising both the risk of a successful breach and the number of non-threatening incidents incorrectly flagged.

This helps to bridge the gap between cybersecurity and AI technology, fortifying the digital ecosystem against malicious activity.

Organizations can develop robust AI models capable of identifying complex attack vectors, recognizing malicious patterns and learning from historical data to enable proactive defence strategies.

As we celebrate Cyber Security Month, we must appreciate the use of AI to protect against cyber threats as these threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated.

Collaboration between AI specialists and cybersecurity professionals is crucial in safeguarding our online world and maintaining trust in the digital age. By joining forces, we can foster a digital landscape resilient to the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

Mr Kimani is Senior Director, Business Operations at Sama.

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