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Transfer of KTTC land to the UN sparks row in government
Mr Otiende Amollo, the Ombudsman. PHOTO | FILE
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) on Thursday opposed the planned take-over of Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) premises in Gigiri by the United Nations complex.
CAJ chairman Otiende Amollo said the government will be in breach of the law if it allowed the transfer of KTTC premises to the UN.
“The regime of acquiring public land is clear: it is held in trust by the national or county government and transferred with the approval of the National Land Commission,” said Mr Amollo.
“We note with concern that if that is the case, then the government will be in breach of the law that governs public land. Beyond issues of transfer, there is a need to compensate those affected.”
Education secretary Fred Matiang’i has said Kenya is honouring its international obligations to the UN by offering them the land for expansion.
KTTC which sits on 62 acres of land is moving to the Kenya Science campus of the University of Nairobi on Ngong Road next Thursday.
Dr Matiang’i has turned the heat on the CAJ accusing it of delving into a matter that has no complainant and also for taking a position before giving the ministry audience.
Mr Amollo wants the UN offer withdrawn or suspended, adding it might lead to financial loss because KTTC had hired contractors for expansion.
Mr Amollo says relocation will not only affect students and staff, but will have economic and psychological effects on their families.