Physiotherapy: How this form of treatment improves your healing and general wellbeing

Physiotherapists will help you recover from injury and work on a plan for prevention of future re-injury.

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Physiotherapy is a form of treatment that uses physical means to help relieve pain and improve the body's strength and movement to restore function. It is applicable in various conditions, ranging from acute to chronic medical conditions, injuries, sports or otherwise and post-surgical management of most conditions.

Also known as physical therapy, it utilises physical means such as electrical currents, sound waves, heat and cold to relieve symptoms of pain, weakness and stiffness. However, the mainstay of physical therapy is exercise and joint and tissue manipulations. Patient education and lifestyle modification also play a major role in ensuring the gains are maintained and prevention of recurrences.

The ultimate goal is to rehabilitate the patient to as close as possible to a pre-illness level of function and independence. Patients recovering from surgery, managing chronic pain, recovering from injuries or seeking to improve their health can benefit from physical therapy.

A wide range of conditions and injuries can be treated with physiotherapy. These include musculoskeletal injuries for example sprains, strains, fractures, back and neck pain, arthritis, neurological disorders such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, palsies and paralyses of all kinds, sports injuries and post-surgical rehabilitation.

Other less known conditions managed with physiotherapy include women's health issues such as incontinence and pelvic floor weakness, swellings caused by deficient lymphatic drainage either as a result of breast cancer treatment or other conditions like elephantiasis, and respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) and bronchiectasis.

How do you know you should see a physiotherapist?

If you have an injury, weakness or pain that affects how you function, a physiotherapist can help. Physiotherapists will help you recover from injury and work on a plan for prevention of future re-injury.

As with any other medical intervention, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of in physiotherapy. This means that, after exercises or manual therapy, there is a temporary feeling of pain or discomfort and the risk of injury if they are not correctly executed. To guarantee your safety during the course of treatment, your physiotherapist will take appropriate measures.

By addressing underlying problems, improving biomechanics and teaching proper movement patterns, physiotherapy plays an important role in injury prevention and management of chronic diseases.

It is important to actively participate in the treatment plan, follow your therapists’ instructions and regularly perform prescribed exercises and activities so as to maximise the benefits. In addition, progress and long-term success can be encouraged by communicating openly with your therapist, regular medical appointments and proper lifestyle choices.

How do I find a qualified physiotherapist and ensure that I receive quality care?

All qualified physiotherapists in Kenya are licensed by the Physiotherapy Council of Kenya. Ensure you have seen the license before you submit yourself to the therapist. At Aga Khan University Hospital, we have a robust process of pre-employment verification of all professional qualifications and accreditations. This ensures that you are in safe hands and you receive the best quality of care.

Michael Maina is the manager of physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services at Aga Khan University Hospital.

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