There can be no climate action without women

What you need to know:

  • Women and girls in every society need to be part of the solution by effectively responding in times of crisis and actively working towards creating a more just and sustainable world.
  • Women face gender biases that culminate into barriers to access land, financial services, social capital and technology.
  • Climate change has more significant impacts to the sections of the population that are most dependent on the stressed natural resources.

Last week we celebrated the International Women’s Day. It got me thinking about the risks faced by our women when it comes to matters climate change. Women do not have easy and adequate access to funds that can enable them cover climate-related losses or take on the opportunities presented by climate change.

Yet, women will be essential to limiting global warming to 1.5°C through their leadership and participation. They make up 51 percent of the global population. Hence, women and girls in every society need to be part of the solution by effectively responding in times of crisis and actively working towards creating a more just and sustainable world.

Women face gender biases that culminate into barriers to access land, financial services, social capital and technology. These barriers render them vulnerable to food insecurity among other vices. They have also been off the tables on matters of governance and decision-making on climate change issues.

Climate change is a serious threat to livelihoods. Moreover, it will endanger the development achievements so far gained by Africa if we fail in mitigation and adaptation mechanisms. The adverse effects are being felt in many areas including agriculture, food security; biodiversity; ecosystems; water resources; human settlements; human health; energy and transport systems.

Women empowerment in planning and decision-making on climate change should be a joint effort even at the local levels. Therefore, it is important that women have equal access to knowledge and technology in influencing climate change. Women are an effective actors/agents of change concerning both mitigation and adaptation.

Women’s responsibilities to households and communities as stewards of natural and household resources position them well to contribute to livelihood strategies adapted to changing environmental realities.

Climate change has more significant impacts to the sections of the population that are most dependent on the stressed natural resources. Unfortunately, this section of the population applies to women who are least able to respond to natural hazards. These effects can be broadly classified into three: economic, social and cultural.

The devastating impacts of climate change such as floods, droughts, high temperatures and increased acidity and salinity of soils, erosions and environmental degradations negatively affect livestock and crop production. Low outputs consequently impact women’s finances, reducing their economic abilities.

Social effects of climate change on women refers to the social factors that affect women’s life. They include impact on women’s dignity and human rights. For example, global warming is one of leading and greatest contributor to hunger, malnutrition, exposure to diseases and declining access to clean drinking water.

Due to these challenges, communities are forced to migrate in search of better resources. Permanent displacements in the process hinder access to adequate housing and loss of livelihoods. This, in turn, affects women’s dignity and social rights, such as the right to food, shelter, and health..

The cultural effects of climate change on women resulting from loss and damage significantly influence the women’s way of life. This will include displacements and direct material losses due to environmental degradation leading to loss of local knowledge and local language elements hence leading to loss of cultural heritage.

Women know and understand what is needed to adapt to changing environmental conditions to determine practical solutions. Climate action empowers women to be part of the solution.

Hence, promoting women’s education and participation in decision-making are among the most effective ways of reducing future emissions of GHGs.

The integration of women’s valuable knowledge & practical experiences into policy-making processes incorporating women’s ideas and insights when formulating zero carbon emission policies.

Development organizations and the private sector need to involve women in meaningful participation in designing and implementing humanitarian, migration and climate change-related risk reduction plans.

Women’s involvement in new user-friendly, affordable, effective, and sustainable technologies development. This helps to reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere hence reducing the concentration of atmospheric GHGs and at the same time safeguarding women from the effects of climate change.

The involvement of women in environmental governance will allow them to contribute their unique and valuable perspectives and expertise on mitigating climate change. In addition, their caring nature and practical skills on issues related to the management of natural resources will come in handy.

Although women are at the forefront of leading efforts of the global climate movement, the national climate change strategies barely consider women’s rights.

Climate action without women’s involvement will fail and create bigger challenges in future. Therefore, governments and the private sector need to recognise the economics and social impacts of climate change and respond to the risks faced by the most vulnerable majority, women.

It is also true that, investing in girls and women will create a ripple effect that will yield multiple benefits, for individual women and families, communities, and countries.

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