Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Services has given property owners in Nairobi with illegal sewer connections to their premises three months to get rid of them.
Landlords and developers with houses within 100 metres of the urban utility firm’s sewer line have also been granted a similar grace period to connect their sewers to Nairobi Water’s main line.
The landlords and developers will also have access to free engineering design (drawings) and supervision services.
Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Services has given property owners in Nairobi with illegal sewer connections to their premises three months to get rid of them.
Landlords and developers with houses within 100 metres of the urban utility firm’s sewer line have also been granted a similar grace period to connect their sewers to Nairobi Water’s main line.
The landlords and developers will also have access to free engineering design (drawings) and supervision services.
In a public notice by the firm’s managing director Engineer Nahashon Muguna Tuesday, property owners with illegal connections will be required to pay between Sh5,000 and Sh7,500 for domestic and commercial connections respectively to formalise such connections.
“All persons with illegal sewer connection are advised to formalise their connections by applying online through portal and make payment of Sh5000 and Sh7500 only for domestic and commercial connections respectively as the sewer connection fee applicable. The offer is valid for three months ...,” said Mr Muguna.
“The construction of the sewer is to be done by developer/owner and the sewer will be adopted by Nairobi city Water and Sewerage Company after one year of operation.”
He said the new move is aimed at increasing access to sewerage services in the city which currently stands at only 50 percent.
According to a 2013 report by the National Environmental Management Authority (Nema), even in areas where sewerage system exists, large proportion of households are not connected due to the costs of maintaining a connection or due to a poor functioning system.
All upcoming suburbs in Nairobi including Ruaka, Ongata Rongai, Kitengela, Mavoko, Ruai, Embakasi Village and areas around the Eastern bypass do not have sewerage coverage.