Careful steps authorities need in regulation of religious freedoms


The real factors that lead to one being lured to religious cults are vulnerabilities. FILE PHOTO | POOL

Last week, we discussed the security gaps that needed sealing with a view to avoiding a recurrence of the Shakahola tragedy.

We alluded to the religious causes of the deaths. In the course of the week, I had debates on what makes citizens vulnerable to those who use religion as a tool for unfair control.

While it is true that the poor are particularly prone to such vulnerabilities, a friend pointed out that a closer analysis of those that fell for the trap of the religious leaders in the Shakahola occurrences included professionals.

It is, thus, not true that only the poor are the ones most likely to fall victim.

The real factors that lead to one being lured to religious cults are vulnerabilities. Anyone with challenges is an easy target.

When one approaches them and sells the false hope that their problems can disappear instantly through religious miracles, it is easy to swallow such suggestions without much inquiry or doubt.

This is especially the case because religion appeals to faith and belief.

You do not need to interrogate or justify beliefs, many people have been convinced.

In one of the debates last week, one quipped that many professors will not go to heaven because they seek things that are supported by reason.

Religion, reason

In their attempts to interrogate and critique, they miss the true teaching of faith, it is claimed. However, it is this linkage between religion and reason that sometimes leads to the challenges like that of Shakahola.

Faith helps all human beings to not only have a connection with God but also provides solace in times of trouble. It is why one with difficulties runs to the Higher Power for relief.

This explains why many people will walk long distances to join religious groups that promise them relief from trouble.

Sadly, due to the nature of the Kenyan society where there is an increased penchant for seeking to get rich quickly, religion too has become captive to such schemes.

It is easy for criminals to hide under the guise of religion and take advantage of innocent but gullible people by appealing to their beliefs without reason on the promise that those who are interrogating issues will neither go to heaven nor have their heavy burden lifted by the Lord.

It is, therefore, necessary that people strike a balance between respect for religion and the protection of citizens from attempts to use religion as a tool to exploit.

This is the thin line that the task force on regulating religion should walk as they seek to propose measures to prevent unscrupulous religious leaders from engaging in activities that border on criminality and that endanger the lives of citizens who run to them for refuge.

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