As we celebrate the end of 2023, one of my wish lists for the government in 2024 is making the Open University of Kenya accessible to many disadvantaged Kenyans thirsty for education.
An open university is an institution where one can learn from anywhere, whenever one needs, without attending classes in a physical classroom. Open, Distance and Electronic Learning (ODEL) is a popular form of open learning in many Kenyan universities today.
In Kenya, Open University is pegged on Article 43 and Article 53(1)(b), which gives every Kenyan the right to education by recognising it as a fundamental right. Section 24(1)(b) of the Universities Act 2012 and UNESCO commitments by Kenya under “an educational philosophy where learning can happen anywhere, anytime from any resource” solidifies the foundation of the Open University of Kenya.
In addition, Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education aims at directly supporting open universities by making education more inclusive and accessible. Vision 2030 also aims to provide inclusive education, facilitate lifelong learning, align with workforce needs, and foster innovation.
The open university concept might be new in Kenya but not in many parts of the world. Many African and developed countries implemented it successfully many years ago. In Africa, open universities enrol between 25 and 37 percent of the overall student enrollment population. For instance, the Open University of Tanzania, the University of South Africa, the Zimbabwe Open University and the National Open University of Nigeria contribute 41 percent, 37 percent, 33 percent and 26 percent of the overall university student population.
These universities provide vital access to academic and professional development opportunities for those constrained by geography or financial factors.
By facilitating flexible distance learning, these institutions broaden educational reach, enabling countless individuals to acquire degrees and skills that bolster career growth and drive socioeconomic progress.
Investing in education and training is imperative to cultivate a skilled workforce that can effectively respond to and influence policy changes in the open university of Kenya.
Their impact is substantial in empowering people and shaping the continent’s learning landscape, ensuring that higher education is not a privilege but a widespread opportunity for growth and advancement.
On a global scale, Institutions like the Open University of the United Kingdom and Canada's Athabasca University offer flexible learning suitable for adults balancing work and family. Similarly, Spain's UNED and Thailand's Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University provide opportunities for continuous professional growth. The Open University of China and Korea's National Open University extend these opportunities further, enhancing workforce skills and making education accessible to non-traditional students.
Turkey's Anadolu University and Indonesia's Universitas Terbuka democratize education. At the same time, IGNOU in India, Payame Noor University in Iran, and Pakistan's Virtual University support regional and national development through tailored distance learning programs. These institutions enable students from remote or economically challenged backgrounds to pursue their educational goals, thereby contributing to social and economic advancement.
The Open University of Kenya signifies a leap towards educational accessibility, utilizing modern technology to offer students the flexibility to learn at their convenience. However, it's essential to recognize and address the policy gaps that may arise with this novelty.
These implementation gaps can include internet coverage issues, leaving groups such as persons with disabilities and pregnant mothers without adequate support, and innovation barriers that might impede technological progress and economic development, including addressing cybercrimes and improving internet accessibility in remote areas. Protection and information deficiencies also need to be resolved to safeguard rights and ensure well-informed policy measures.
Policymakers in higher education ought to undertake regular and comprehensive policy reviews to enhance the effectiveness of the Open University of Kenya through sustainable policy formulation and implementation. It's essential to base policy decisions on robust data analysis using accurate and contemporary information. Involving a wide array of education stakeholders is crucial to capturing diverse viewpoints and fostering inclusive and equitable policies.
Supporting innovation and new educational technologies through policy development will ensure that regulatory frameworks nurture creativity and growth. Additionally, policies must be adaptable and flexible to remain relevant in the face of new evidence or changing conditions.