Curves ahead: Winnie Njenga's hourglass journey

Winnie Njenga does Leg Press exercises at the Workout Warehouse in Nairobi on April 26, 2024.

Photo credit: Photo | Bonface Bogita | Nation Media Group

Winnie Njenga’s Instagram feed is a glimpse into her life, showcasing her hourglass physique and chronicling her rigorous workout routines. She frequently shares snapshots of her intense exercise sessions, where the post-workout glow is unmistakable.

Friday marked her fourth weekly workout session, and Ms Njenga was in the midst of a demanding leg workout when I approached her.

Over the past three years, she has diligently frequented the gym three to four times a week. While Ms Njenga confesses to cherishing her sleep—explaining her reluctance to rise early—her true passion lies in maintaining her enviable hourglass figure.

The coveted hourglass shape, characterised by sculpted shoulders, shapely curves, and a slender waist, is a silhouette often featured on billboards, in magazines, and on the red carpet. According to Ms Njenga, achieving and sustaining this physique requires dedicated effort.

“As a fashion entrepreneur and model, the importance of maintaining my appearance cannot be overstated,” she remarks, her voice softening as she disinfects the treadmill she’s been using. 

Winnie Njenga does Smith machine step-ups during her leg day at the Workout Warehouse in Nairobi on April 26, 2024.

Photo credit: Photo | Bonface Bogita | Nation Media Group

“To showcase the wardrobes I endorse, I must embody the desired look. It demands considerable effort and discipline,” she explains.

Although Ms Njenga acknowledges the role genetics play in her curvaceous physique, she insists that attaining the perfect hourglass figure is rare, even for those blessed with favourable genetics, herself included.

“I’ve always had a tendency to be on the chubbier side,” she reveals, adding, “During my high school days, my voracious appetite, coupled with hormonal imbalances, led to significant weight gain.”

Troubling transformation

This transformation troubled her deeply.

“At one point, when the scale hit 90 kilos, I became desperate to shed the excess weight,” she recalls.

Driven by fear of further deterioration, Ms Njenga resorted to unhealthy methods to slim down.

“Looking back, I realise those methods were not sustainable or healthy,” she admits.

“However, they did yield results—I lost 30 kilos in three months," she says.

But her mother grew concerned for her well-being. Her weight loss regimen then consisted of extreme measures, including regular runs, participation in school sports, and skipping meals.

“Shedding 30 kilos in such a short period and attaining a slender frame was alarming for my mother,” Ms Njenga chuckles ruefully.

The turning point

It wasn’t until after completing her O-levels that Ms Njenga gained a deeper understanding of fitness and nutrition.

“I came to realise that, despite possessing favourable genetics, neglecting proper care can render even the best genes ineffective,” she reflects.

Winnie Njenga does Bulgarian Split squat exercise at the Workout Warehouse in Nairobi on April 26, 2024.

Photo credit: Photo | Bonface Bogita | Nation Media Group

Returning to her family’s tradition of wholesome eating was pivotal.

“My family embraces a healthy lifestyle, emphasising home-cooked meals and eschewing junk food,” she explains.

“By reverting to these practices and avoiding takeout, I regained control over my diet.”

In addition to dietary changes, Ms Njenga capitalised on her genetic predisposition for a voluptuous figure.

“I recognised that I possess the genetic potential for an hourglass physique, which requires consistent maintenance,” she notes.

“Moreover, as a fashion model, my physique directly impacts my ability to showcase various outfits effectively.”

Hourglass workouts

During her gym sessions, Ms Njenga dedicates two hours to strength training, beginning each session with a ten-minute treadmill run.

She highlights her favourite hourglass-focused exercises, including squats for the lower body and lat pulldowns for the upper body.

Winnie Njenga does Dumbbell Deadlift exercise at the Workout Warehouse in Nairobi on April 26, 2024.

Photo credit: Photo | Bonface Bogita | Nation Media Group

“Exercises like squats and deadlifts are essential for sculpting a strong lower body and back,” she advises.

She adds, “Combined with a balanced diet and consistent core workouts, they contribute to achieving and maintaining an hourglass figure.”

With determination and discipline, Ms Njenga exemplifies how dedication to fitness and nutrition can transform not only one’s physique but also one’s confidence and well-being.

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