Official says Mobius Motors hopes for sales in line with the government’s policy of supporting local firms.
Kenyan vehicle manufacturer Mobius is eyeing a possible lucrative State supply tender to boost production and sales of its new generation model.
Mobius Motors commercial director Markus Schroder says the company is in talks with the government regarding a possible fleet purchase in line with the Jubilee administration’s policy of supporting Kenyan manufacturers.
“Mobius has a good relationship with the government of Kenya and is in discussions with several departments regarding fleet purchase,” said Mr Schroder. “We look forward to working with the government to strengthen local industry and support brand Kenya.”
He, however, remained guarded on details of the ongoing discussions as the sale contract is not signed yet. Launching the next-generation Mobius II vehicle is top of the firm’s New Year plans, with an eye on increased production. Mobius, which is seeking to be Africa’s cheapest producer of new cars, sold all the 50 units of its first generation vehicle model.
It announced that the new generation model had sold out, forcing it to double production to at least 100 units for the Mobius II to meet increased demand.
The first Mobius II next generation pre-order was made in August last year after the first generation model sold out. The majority of pre-orders for the Mobius II, Dr Schroder said, are from Kenya with other requests coming from Germany and the US as well as Tanzania and Uganda.
“The next-generation Mobius II will hit the road in 2018. Delivery has not started yet. Once production is running we will deliver according to pre-order priorities,” said Dr Schroder.
“Mobius cannot give a certain date when the next-generation model would hit the market as sometimes imports delay at the Mombasa port,” he added. He, however, said they are “soon receiving new engines” to boost production.
Founded in 2009 by British entrepreneur — and now Nairobi-based — Joel Jackson, Mobius II has an 1800cc engine and comes in three models with its most expensive unit (Mobius Adventure Plus) having a retail price tag of Sh1.58 million, inclusive of tax.
The three Mobius II models — Cargo, Adventure and Adventure Plus — are differentiated by their functionality on the road.
Cargo, available in black only, is the entry model and focuses on the functionality of transportation with a starting price of Sh1.3 million. The Adventure model, available in black and dark blue with three additional rear seats, is available at Sh1.45 million.
The premier model— Adventure Plus — is available in black, dark blue and light blue colours.
“The new Mobius II is an ideal vehicle for shared transport and leasing businesses,” said Dr Schroder.