The tiff over House committee leadership should be resolved fast to allow for the vetting of Cabinet secretaries.
The new administration has a litany of problems to tackle, ranging from rising inflation to a heavy debt burden, hunger caused by one of the worst droughts in decades and youth unemployment.
Therefore, it has no luxury of time to fight over positions while millions of Kenyans are facing starvation. It should get down to work and deliver to Kenyans their campaign promises.
For their part, members of Parliament have a duty to shed party loyalty and work for taxpayers. They have no choice and must steer the economy through the woes and create economic opportunities, especially for the poor and the growing ranks of jobless youth.
This is a daunting task that will require top-notch leadership from the Cabinet, and Kenyans will not accept excuses. Kenyans deserve a Legislature and an Executive that will work for the benefit of everyone.
Parliament should show it is alive to its responsibilities by ending the standoff over House committee leadership to pave the way for the proper running of government.