Oltepesi encounter. 'Old wine meets new' wine

A growing number of Kenyans are switching to the consumption of affordable keg beer. FILE PHOTO | NMG

I ran into an old lover at Oltepesi bar at Enashipai Resort and Spa while I was in the company of a new lover.
Of course, it was awkward. If you know the setup of Oltepesi Bar, it is a seating area that looks like an airport’s VIP lounge with a line of seats along an elegant bar. I sat at the bar counter.

The old lover came over and said [sarcastically], ‘Heey, fancy to find you here!” I introduced the lovers: Old, meet New. New this is Old. The air was trite for the 15 seconds she stood there, making small talk.
“Was that your Ex?,” my new lover asked me because she is also psychic.

READ: Kettle House Bar & Grill
Old was seated at the end of the bar, ordering a cocktail and, no doubt, telling her pal, “yes, that’s him, what a bald goose!” New has big gorgeous eyes and wears spectacles, Old does not. So, no, I do not
have a type.

But the general rule is never to mix new wine and old wine, so I had to leave Oltepesi Bar and move to their Wave Nightclub. This was not the plan because I had planned to sit at the counter and just have a quiet evening.

Oletepesi is the right bar for that; almost always quiet. It is all glass (one side, at least) so it’s a bit like drinking in an aquarium. I understand they want to redo it, re-layout the seating and have more bar types of seats but also mix in some lounge eating.

Have you been there lately? It is still magical. The lawns still scream green, the service is still top-notch, and the fountains still gurgle.
The only problem they have is not theirs — you might run into an old lover there. But thankfully there are many places you can run off to — the balcony of your villa or the club, because my whisky just does not taste the same knowing someone is a few seats away saying, ‘so there was this time he left my house at night, ati going to…”
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