The World Economic Forum (WEF) has highly ranked gender parity in Kenya's healthcare sector with a score of 97.5 percent, pointing to increased levels of participation, access, rights, remuneration, or benefits for men and women.
The Global Gender Gap Report 2024 Index measures gender-based gaps in access to resources and opportunities in countries, rather than the actual levels of the available resources and opportunities in those countries. The index also considered healthy life expectancy and sex-birth ratio parity.
The index co-developed by WEF and McKinsey Health Institute showed that there is an almost equal allocation of resources in getting medical care for both men and women in Kenya.
The WEF also analysed other sectors including education, economic advancement, and political empowerment.
The gender parity in Kenya’s education sector was ranked at position 135 with a score of 0.877. This was attributed to several countries tying for the first position with a score of 1, which means they have attained equity in the education sector.
Economic participation in Kenya attained a score of 0.789, holding the 13th place globally.